Hi, and welcome!
My name’s John Triggerfish and I’m a small independent publisher and scuba diver, having started the PADI scuba diving journey all the way back in 2008.
I’ve journeyed throughout the four corners of this beautiful blue planet of ours and been privileged to dive many fantastic sites.
Although what I write about is fiction, a lot is based on experience and I’ve been party to a lot of belly laughs in my career as a scuba instructor.
So follow my journey. It’s been a wild ride!

John Triggerfish
Our hero John is pictured here in paradise as a handsome 36 year old.
Mr. Triggerfish comes from a quaint town in the north of England called Burnley. The closest anybody gets to water is when visiting the canal to drag some shopping trolleys out for scrap metal value. It does have a public swimming baths, but such is the cost most people choose to buy food instead.
Someone once tried to swim in the river Brun, but then dissolved and was never seen again.
Read the books in this order and check out the reviews in the reviews section.
If you want to save some money and enjoy reading e-Books then buying THE TRIGGERFISH TRILOGY for a tenner is probably your best bet. Just follow the links. Happy diving!
232 Bars
Produce Another Dumb Instructor
One Atmosphere
Red Sea Diving
Eat Sleep Dive Repeat

232 BARS
John Triggerfish lost everything and decided to start a new life in paradise. It didn’t quite work out that way, although the ladyboys were pretty interesting. This is his story about becoming a Padi diving professional and meeting all manner of characters on his travels around the wonderful Kingdom of Thailand. Then of course there’s his relationship with all the women that he meets whist cruising around the beaches and bars. That’s pretty interesting/disturbing. Add in a few nutters from Blighty and some of the best diving on the planet, and you’ve probably got the funniest book about scuba ever written.

John Triggerfish nearly wound up dead at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Unfortunately for many women and large succulent fruit he survived, and decided to further his diving education. This is a story about doing the dreaded instructor development course in the wild Yucatan peninsular. This is a story about valiance, integrity, true diving grit, and downing vast quantities of cheap tequila while being taught all the diving skills one could ever wish to know by the demi gods of the diving world. This is a story about Bull sharks and life in Sin City, Playa del Carmen, Mexico. This is a story about eventually gaining meaningful employment in the diving industry and finally Living the Dream. And no matter where you finally end up working, you must always watch out for the terrorists. Or is that the tourists?

My name’s John Triggerfish and I’m a scuba diving legend.
Jacques Cousteau has nothing on me. He might have been the pioneer of underwater exploration but I’m the sub aqua king; and what I don’t know about diving and adventure isn’t worth knowing. I’ve come a long way in a big way. Especially in a few Thai bar girls; but that was yesteryear and this is now.
I’m currently at the top of my game with hundreds of diving hours under my weight belt and this time it’s as close to a true tale as you can get, nearly. There’s a monkey involved in this story. Everybody loves a cheeky monkey. There’s sharks too. Everybody loathes sharks because sharks are sharp toothed evil motherfuckers that cause unnecessary chunky chum filled limb losing watery death. There’s a dolphin. There’s a beautiful dolphin straight out of a fairytale, because every good book has to have a dolphin in it. This is a story about returning from Mexico and continuing to live the PADI dream.
Buy the eBook or paperback by clicking here.
More info here: http://www.historic-uk.com/HistoryUK/HistoryofEngland/The-Hanging-of-the-Hartlepool-Monkey/

The latest installment of our intrepid hero’s adventures.
Our PADI instructor extraordinaire John manages to endorse his reputation once more in this thrilling continuation of his diving escapades throughout Africa.
Egypt didn’t work out too well, and the Thistlegorm was far too busy anyway, so he sails south onboard Freya towards Tanzania accompanied as always by his pet dolphin Deapha. Lo and behold he comes across Mafia Island and the chance to dive with whale sharks and other large pelagic unicorns.
And when you take a couple of punks diving one day, you just know its all gonna go tits up.
And then there’s the singeli hardcore festival in the excellently named Stone Town.
What could possibly go wrong?
Buy the eBook or paperback by clicking here.

John motorsails into the Red Sea via the Suez canal to eventually find more gainful employment in the scuba diving industry.
Meet a host of characters including Belinda the Butt Lift diver.
There’s also Lester from Chester and Chester from Leicester.
Meet Portuguese man o’war and whitetip reef sharks.
Enjoy tales from diving the SS Thistlegorm, the most dived site on the planet.
Enjoy a tale of true liveaboard lifestyle as John teaches the world more breathtaking scuba skills.
More info on the SS THISTLEGORM here:

The Triggerfish Trilogy: Kickstarting the Dream.
Price: £10.00
John Triggerfish starts an adventure to find meaningful employment in the scuba diving industry. This is the first three books of his sub aqua story. From Burnley to Thailand and back via the paradise of the Yucatan and the utopia of Hartlepool, among some other very very special places. Meet ladyboys, gangsters, terrorists, dolphins and a monkey. There’s also sharks, because every book about scuba should have some sharks in it.
This is his first three books in eBook form: 232 bars, Produce another Dumb Instructor, and One atmosphere.